Friday, January 31, 2020

Donald Trump Good Manager or Bad Manager Essay Example for Free

Donald Trump Good Manager or Bad Manager Essay 1. Work Hard every speaker at every event like this, but the Don gives this more than the usual lip service. He basically said that everyone he knew that made a lot of money and was successful, worked 7 days a week. He suggested to the audience that if they wanted to succeed, they should be prepared for 80 hour weeks for a long time. 2. Love What You Do Another platitude, but he spoke about this in a passionate way. He discouraged the audience from joining or switching to a hot industry or from going into consulting in favor of getting involved with an industry you love (antiques, baseball, marketing), even if that industry is not currently doing well as a whole. His message was that you will perform so well in your imperfect industry that you will rise above the rest and end up being a star in the top 1% of that industries, but if you joined an industry you werent passionate about, youd end up in the 50th percentile of earners in that industry. He thought the pay in the top 1% of a crappy industry (in a job you love) would top the 50th percentile in a hot industry 3. Know What You Do, Whatever industry you are in and whatever role you play in that industry, work hard to become a world class expert in it. For example, if you are a macro manager in a security software company, he suggested that you should not just focus on getting good at email marketing campaigns, but that you should become an expert in that security industry yourself, so that you can communicate with all levels of people about the technology simply , so that you can have detailed conversations with analysts, so that you can write credible blog articles, so that you can explain the future competitive dynamics to potential investors, etc. 4. Luck According to Don, The harder I work, the luckier I get. 5. Education A huge advantage that is expensive in the short run, but cheap in the long run. Dons perspective when asked about the rising cost of education, If you think getting an education is expensive, try ignorance. 6. Management Donald fought the platitude pattern and said You want to be smarter than your people. He thought the notion that you should hire people smarter than you was a poor one. 7. Persistence He talked a lot about riding the ups and downs of the real estate market, losing everything, and c oming back. He credited his success and the demise of many of his competitors to being patient and persistent over long periods of time to wait out market fluctuations. This one might be more relevant to Donalds business than most, but still interesting. 8. Negotiation Always do it face-to-face. In this era of telephones, teleconference, and video conference, Donald suggests that if its an important negotiation, you should do it face to face, so you can read the other persons body language. 9. Middle men Donald is not a fan of middle men who do not add value and who extract outsized returns. He tells the story of how he goes around a broker on a billion dollar (thats the number of zeros the Don deals in these days) deal where he was losing a negotiation and flew to Dubai to deal directly with the principal and struck a great deal. I must say, I liked this piece of advice. There are so many industries that have middle men filled with old boys clubs that take money out of your pocket. If you want a good example, try leasing some office space or dealing with a technology analyst. 10. Marriage Marry someone who understands number 1 above and make sure to get a prenuptial agreement. Donald Trump may not be a jerk as the world makes him out to be. Although it may come as a surprise to most of America, Donald Trump’s long time employees describe him as a strong yet merciful leader. Trump is a far more righteous leader than he is given credit. â€Å"Not only is he fair, when he’s forced to make a decision he thinks about it carefully, and just as he does on the show, Mr. Trump will contact the appropriate people whenever there’s an unproductive or anti-productive issue to be resolved. If he weren’t a successful real estate developer. According to actual Donald Trump employees, he’s very much like the man you see on the show, but he’s also a man filled with genuine compassion beyond anything the cameras could ever show yet the media never picks up on the good press they always take the bad against him. Trumps employees say he works hard to keep his kindness out of the spotlight, but in truth he is far more generous than his reputation would lead anyone to believe. On the season premiere of â€Å"The Apprentice,† a member of the winning team asked Donald about the story of a middle aged couple who stopped to help when Donald’s trusty limo broke down on a deserted highway outside New York City. Trump showed genuine signs of humility as the contestant asked if he had really paid off the mortgage on that helpful couple’s home after they rescued him. Almost embarrassed, Trump admitted to the kind act, but most people refuse to believe this stern business tycoon could ever show compassion beyond that of his immediate family and inner circle. So while this man would seem to be lost in most marketers, Donald has turned it into a lot of money and respect. Donald Trump’s leadership style has turned â€Å"The Apprentice† into a powerful magnet for thousands of young entrepreneurs, many of whom credit Trump with teaching them important lessons for business success.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Aspectos Bioeticos de la Determinacion Genomica y sus Aplicaciones :: Spanish Essays

Aspectos Bioeticos de la Determinacion Genomica y sus Aplicaciones RESUMEN: La determinacià ³n genà ©tica permite establecer que personas tienen mayor probabilidad de padecer enfermedades degenerativas o tumores. El problema à ©tico se suscita cuando se utilizan las determinaciones para elegir personas con baja probabilidad de padecer enfermadades para que desarrollen actividades. En el anà ¡lisis, cabe la posibilidad de estudiarlo desde el punto de vista antropolà ³gico y desde el punto de vista bioà ©tico. Desde el punto de vista antropolà ³gico, cuando se produce una discriminacià ³n de las personas en relacià ³n a su carga genà ©tica, no se tienen en cuenta la biografà ­a y el proyecto de la persona (sà ³lo se considera el aspecto animal), la relacià ³n entre la persona y la sociedad sufre deficiencias por considerarlo instrumento, y la relacià ³n mà ©dico enfermo es defectuosa. Desde el punto de vista bioà ©tico, la discriminacià ³n no cumple los principios bioà ©ticos del primer nivel, que son de obligado cumplimiento, y los del segundo, tambià ©n se encuentran insatisfactoriamente cumplidos. Mejorando la relacià ³n mà ©dico enfermo y sus valores de confidencialidad y veracidad pueden realizarse mejor los aspectos bioà ©ticos. La determinacià ³n genà ©tica permite establecer que personas tienen mayor probabilidad de padecer enfermedades degenerativas o tumores. El problema à ©tico se suscita cuando se utilizan las determinaciones para elegir personas con baja probabilidad de padecer enfermadades para que desarrollen actividades. En el anà ¡lisis, cabe la posiblidad de estudiarlo desde el punto de vista antropolà ³gico y desde el punto de vista bioà ©tico. Desde el punto de vista antropolà ³gico, cuando se produce una discriminacià ³n de las personas en relacià ³n a su carga genà ©tica, no se tienen en cuenta la biografà ­a y el proyecto de la persona (sà ³lo se considera el aspecto animal), la relacià ³n entre la persona y la sociedad sufre deficiencias por considerarlo instrumento, y la relacià ³n mà ©dico enfermo es defectuosa. Desde el punto de vista bioà ©tico, la discriminacià ³n no cumple los principios bioà ©ticos del primer nivel, que son de obligado cumplimiento, y los del segundo, tambià ©n se encuentran insatisfactoriamente cumplidos. Mejorando la relacià ³n mà ©dico enfermo y sus valores de confidencialidad y veracidad pueden realizarse mejor los aspectos bioà ©ticos. Exposicion del problema La determinacià ³n genà ³mica se ha utilizado con numerosos fines, de los que los mà ¡s importantes son: A. Determinacià ³n histà ³rica o paleoantropolà ³gica. La determinacià ³n genà ©tica ya sea de parte del genoma humano (1) o del ADN mitocondrial (que se transmite à ºnicamente por và ­a materna) se ha utilizado para el estudio de la herencia, (2) inmunidad humana a lo largo de la historia.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Simple Linear Regression Model

This article considers the relationship between two variables in two ways: (1) by using regression analysis and (2) by computing the correlation coefficient. By using the regression model, we can evaluate the magnitude of change in one variable due to a certain change in another variable. For example, an economist can estimate the amount of change in food expenditure due to a certain change in the income of a household by using the regression model.A sociologist may want to estimate the increase in the crime rate due to a particular increase in the unemployment rate. Besides answering these questions, a regression model also helps predict the value of one variable for a given value of another variable. For example, by using the regression line, we can predict the (approximate) food expenditure of a household with a given income. The correlation coefficient, on the other hand, simply tells us how strongly two variables are related.It does not provide any information about the size of the change in one variable as a result of a certain change in the other variable. Let us return to the example of an economist investigating the relationship between food expenditure and income. What factors or variables does a household consider when deciding how much money it should spend on food every week or every month? Certainly, income of the household is one factor. However, many other variables also affect food expenditure.For instance, the assets owned by the household, the size of the household, the preferences and tastes of household members, and any special dietary needs of household members are some of the variables that influence a household’s decision about food expenditure. These variables are called independent or explanatory variables because they all vary independently, and they explain the variation in food expenditures among different households. In other words, these variables explain why different households spend different amounts of money on food.Foo d expenditure is called the dependent variable because it depends on the independent variables. Studying the effect of two or more independent variables on a dependent variable using regression analysis is called multiple regressions. However, if we choose only one (usually the most important) independent variable and study the effect of that single variable on a dependent variable, it is called a simple regression. Thus, a simple regression includes only two variables: one independent and one dependent. Note that whether it is a simple or a multiple regression analysis, it always includes one and only one dependent variable.It is the number of independent variables that changes in simple and multiple regressions. The relationship between 2 variables in a regression analysis is expressed by a mathematical equation called a regression equation or model. A regression equation, when plotted, may assume one of many possible shapes, including a straight line. A regression equation that g ives a straight-line relationship between two variables is called a linear regression model; otherwise, the model is called a nonlinear regression model. Simple Linear Regression Model This article considers the relationship between two variables in two ways: (1) by using regression analysis and (2) by computing the correlation coefficient. By using the regression model, we can evaluate the magnitude of change in one variable due to a certain change in another variable. For example, an economist can estimate the amount of change in food expenditure due to a certain change in the income of a household by using the regression model.A sociologist may want to estimate the increase in the crime rate due to a particular increase in the unemployment rate. Besides answering these questions, a regression model also helps predict the value of one variable for a given value of another variable. For example, by using the regression line, we can predict the (approximate) food expenditure of a household with a given income. The correlation coefficient, on the other hand, simply tells us how strongly two variables are related.It does not provide any information about the size of the change in one variable as a result of a certain change in the other variable. Let us return to the example of an economist investigating the relationship between food expenditure and income. What factors or variables does a household consider when deciding how much money it should spend on food every week or every month? Certainly, income of the household is one factor. However, many other variables also affect food expenditure.For instance, the assets owned by the household, the size of the household, the preferences and tastes of household members, and any special dietary needs of household members are some of the variables that influence a household’s decision about food expenditure. These variables are called independent or explanatory variables because they all vary independently, and they explain the variation in food expenditures among different households. In other words, these variables explain why different households spend different amounts of money on food.Foo d expenditure is called the dependent variable because it depends on the independent variables. Studying the effect of two or more independent variables on a dependent variable using regression analysis is called multiple regressions. However, if we choose only one (usually the most important) independent variable and study the effect of that single variable on a dependent variable, it is called a simple regression. Thus, a simple regression includes only two variables: one independent and one dependent. Note that whether it is a simple or a multiple regression analysis, it always includes one and only one dependent variable.It is the number of independent variables that changes in simple and multiple regressions. The relationship between 2 variables in a regression analysis is expressed by a mathematical equation called a regression equation or model. A regression equation, when plotted, may assume one of many possible shapes, including a straight line. A regression equation that g ives a straight-line relationship between two variables is called a linear regression model; otherwise, the model is called a nonlinear regression model.

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Philosophy Paper On John Locke - 1416 Words

Christian Hubbard Dr. Burgess Philosophy 101 September 27, 2017 Philosophy Paper 1 John Locke believes our ideas originate from intuitive knowledge based on our own experiences. Locke states, â€Å"We know that we exist on immediate reflection because of the nature of consciousness, not because of any poor knowledge hidden within us† (pg. 201). In this quote, Locke explains how his ideas originate. He believes that our knowledge is based on experience of what we learn in nature rather than in a pre-existing hidden knowledge. This belief is what is usually called the â€Å"white paper or tabula rasa theory† (pg. 201). The white paper, according to Locke, is the â€Å"tabula rasa, a blank slate that has no characteristics until someone experiences†¦show more content†¦Some examples of secondary qualities are taste, color, and smell. In all these examples, perceptions fuel our mind with what we see and how we see it. An apple can look very shiny and can have the appearance of being red, but those are only perceptions of our mind. It is possible to obtain certain knowledge from matters of fact because both sides of an argument in matters of fact can be conceivable. Therefore, one would have both sides or opinions to an idea which would lead people to obtain certainty. Hume’s fork of knowledge represents a metaphorical fork of two beliefs that seem to contrast amongst each other. The specific beliefs in the fork of knowledge are relations of ideas and matters of fact. The first side is called relations of ideas. Relations of ideas are propositions known with perfect certainty that can be demonstrated using the mind alone. Thus, they do not rely on the existence of anything (beyond the mind). If one would deny a specific relation of idea statement, the sentence would end up sounding in an absurd and nonsense fashion. For example, if someone stated the fact; all triangles have three sides, its opposite would be, not all triangles have three sides. This statement is nonsense because a shape or figure that has three sides to it is and always will be a called a triangle. Thus, relations of ideas must be true statements. These carry the â€Å"weight of necessity† because they are essentially necessaryShow MoreRelatedJohn Locke : Philosophie s And Contributions Essay1414 Words   |  6 Pagestheir own philosophies of education and changed the way we look at learning. Whether it is educating the children of today or bringing religion into the stream, our curriculum is always changing with their ideas in mind. John Locke and Erasmus provide extremely different philosophies when it comes to the curriculum of education although they have both impacted the way we teach today dramatically. 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